Teachtopia teaches MATH
Here are directions on how to make rekenreks that could be used year after year

A Rekenrek is a great tool for teaching number sense to children. A Rekenrek is used to help with students with their understanding of composing and decomposing numbers up to 20.
Follow the directions below in order to build your own Rekenrek. Note: we recommend building several (a class set) since you will likely have the adequate supplies.
In order to build a quality Rekenrek you will need to order a few supplies.
1. Red Pony Beads Purchase here cheaply
2. White Pony Beads Purchase here cheaply
3. Small Craft Sticks 2.5 inch Purchase here cheaply
4. Wooden dowels 1/8 diameter Purchase here cheaply
5. A mini glue gun Purchase here cheaply
6. Mini glue gun glue (small) Purchase here cheaply
7. Cutter for Wood Dowel Purchase here cheaply
Note: For safety reasons adult supervision is required to build this product.
Each Rekenrek requires.
1. 10 red and 10 white pony beads
2. 4 small craft sticks
3. two wooden dowels
Please purchase multiples of the items above if you are planning to make sets for the entire schools first grade etc.
Step by Step Directions for making a Rekenrek
1. Lay out newspaper or some type of adequate protection for your floor and or table. This is to prevent hot glue from sticking to the floor or your table.
2. To make at least one Rekenreck you must cut two 1/8 inch diameter dowels to 5 inches in length.
3. Hot glue the dowels to the 2.5 inch craft stick. 4. Hot glue a second 2.5 inch craft stick over the first one.
5. Thread five red followed by five white pony beads for each dowel.
6. Glue two more craft sticks to the dowels. The right side. Two craft sticks per left and right side of Rekenrek. (see picture on top of page)
7. You have made your own Rekenrek!