Teachtopia teaches MATH

Math with Dice is a fun way of increasing overall math fluency.

Thousands of teachers use Teachtopia’s Dice Math activities daily. Our Dice Math activities could be for whole class, center, individualized, and enrichment instruction. All of our free printable Dice Math activities only require basic dice you so could get started with Teachtopia Dice Math with this set of dice ordered online.

Print out our free dice math resources for addition, subtraction, and multiplication below.

dice for math
A class set of Dice that you could order on Amazon for about 10 dollars

Addition Dice Math Learning and Practice

Teachtopia Dice Math Addition of Two Dice

Teachtopia Dice Math Addition of Three Dice

Teachtopia Dice Math (Addition) Roll The Dice, Make a Number Sentence, Make a Number Bond

Addition Dice Math Games

Race around the Track (A 1-3 dice game for Addition and Subtraction)

First to a Hundred (A two dice game with Addition and use of 100 chart)

Subtraction Teachtopia Dice Math Printables

Teachtopia Dice Math Subtraction using Two Dice

Subtraction Teachtopia Dice Math Games

Race around the Track (A 1-3 dice game for Addition and Subtraction)

Least to Greatest of Five Dice

Greatest to Least of Five Dice

Counting on to Ten after rolling a Dice

Making a quick ten drawing after rolling four Dice

Making a number bond with two Dice

Multiplication of Two Dice

Multiplication of Three Dice

Multiplication of Four Dice