Teachtopia teaches SOCIAL STUDIES
The Authoritative Guide to Online Primary Sources
Primary Source Index
Region Specific United States, Mexico, Canada, Europe, Central and South America, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia
Identity Specific Black History, Native American History, Women’s History, Asian American History, Jewish American History, Latinx History, LGBTQ+, Deaf History
United States
Docs Teach (National Archive)
Resources for teachers that want to teach with documents (primary sources).
Gilder Lehrman Collection
Free registration for K-12 teachers and K-12 students.
Library of Congress
Digital resources from the world’s largest library.
National Archives
Incredible collection of archives surrounding key topics and moments in U.S. History. Also presents a significant amount of Presidential History.
Smithsonian Learning Lab
Millions of Smithsonian Resources Indexed.
Yale University
A large collection of United States and global primary sources.
The Canadian Letters and Images Project
Historic Mexican and Mexican American Press of the University of Arizona
Central and South America
Oberlin College: Sources and General Resources on Latin America
Ancient Manuscripts from the Desert Libraries of Timbuktu
16th-Early 20th Century Maps of Africa
Middle East
The British Library Resources for Middle Eastern Studies
Internet East Asian History Sourcebook
Black History
African American Perspectives: Materials Selected from the Rare Book Collection at the Library of Congress
The Church in the Southern Black Community from University of North Carolina
Martin Luther King, Jr. Resources (Primary Sources)
Native American History (First Nations, Indigenous People)
Yale University Native American Resources
Library of Congress Native American Boarding Schools
Women’s History
Asian American History
Library of Congress collection on Chinese Exclusion Act
The Chinese American Experience 1857-1892 from Harpers Magazine
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Korean American Historical Society
Korean American Heritage Library at USC
Jewish American History
American Jewish Archives
Latina, Latino, Latinx, Hispanic American History
LGBTQ+ History
Library of Congress Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Pride Month
Deaf History
- Have the Dash Robot Go 100 centimeters forward turn right and then go another 50 centimeters
- Have the Robot Make a perfect square
- Have the Robot walk, use a light pattern and speak using three of your own recordings